Unfortunately, we are experiencing a problem receiving emails from this page. We will get it fixed but in the meantime, please contact us using the email address listed or call during business hours. Thank you!.
Your enquiry is important to us.
As a small family seasonal business we may not be available to answer your call so please leave a clear message ending with your name, contact details and a preferred time to return your call.
Emails are responded to within 24 hours. Choose the subject of your email in the contact form or write to us at info@fivevalleystoves.com
Please include your name and a contact number.
You will find us willing to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. Most concerns will be resolved with a conversation.
Before making a written complaint, please check our Terms and Conditions and refer to the written quote you received and accepted.
If you feel you did not receive the product/service you were quoted for and if a conversation has not resolved your concern, it is very important to include the details of your complaint in writing using the Contact form.
We can only act if we have a full understanding of the complaint. Please send an email with any photographs or attachments to
Thank you

01453 826538
07810 645198
Five Valley Stoves